I Knew One Thing…
In 1891, Ramabai was led to a clearer understanding of the spiritual nature of Christianity and to a perception of the deep things of God through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. ‘One thing I knew by this time,’ she wrote, ‘that I needed Christ and not merely His religion. I was desperate. What was to be done? My thoughts could not and did not help me. I had at last come to an end of myself, and unconditionally surrendered myself to the Savior, and asked Him to be merciful to me, and to become my righteousness and redemption, and to take away all my sin.’The power of Ramabai’s story is her personal encounter with the Living God.
She came to know Him and to be known by Him. Ramabai had already been blessed by God with many talents and skills. As she turned her life over to God’s guidance, He multiplied her efforts beyond what she ever dreamed of.
July 24, 1921, was a sad day for her. Manorama, her only daughter, had died. She herself did not wait long after that, and on April 5, 1922, herself left for her heavenly abode. And as she quoted, ‘A life totally committed to God, has nothing to fear, nothing to lose and nothing to regret.’

Continue reading about Pandita Ramabai HERE and see the natural result of how God blessed her with a legacy which still carries on today!